Monday, December 20, 2004

testing 123

Some time ago someone suggested I start a blog.
I thought she was out of her mind.
apparently she was wise and astute, as here I am. (either that or she was sick of talking to me all the time)
hopefully I will actually remember to post here and not forget this exhists.
I may even improve my spelling and puncuation, which will make the editors that have to deal with me happier.


  1. Well, hello you beautiful thing you!

    Calpurnia is lovely, as I already knew. You could even add a link to your sidebar about LaPerms as a breed, and cat rescue, and other stuff like that!

  2. Well, well, you did it! Yeay! I love the cat, I love socks and I love the dialog!

    Now you have to get on the KR knitting circle. Hee hee.


thank you for your comment- it will take a while to appear on the site, as it does get moderated (to cut down on spammers- i also don't allow backlinks)
i do so appreciate your taking time to write to me