I lived a long and fruitful life.
ok more or less....... Maybe not quite the go out and procreate fruitful but interesting at times.
now why would I ever want to learn html. ( ok so RELEARN it, as it is basically similar to *old* fashioned typesetting codings-which I hated in the first place)
well it is simple.
really it is
I can't get the body text in this blog up under the header.
there, see...........simple.
and enough to drive me totally off my rocker.
I am supposed to be finishing the ribbing in my latest sock.
I should be setting up to do some molds to cast my porcelain sculptures in resin.
I have a couple of articles that I owe to a couple of magazines.
There is also the matter of the small book and three character set I am working on
and if all else fails there is always housecleaning
(OMG DID I just say the dirtiest word in the universe?)
so exactly how does one lift and separate (so to speak?) the body text up under the header in a blog?
I am so not ready for this one.
now on a lighter note, I am rereading for the **** time The Christmas Carole by Charles Dickens.
I love that book, I collect different editions of that book and just recently won on eBay an edition illustrated by puppets. you heard me right..............
I had this book however a long dead and much missed cat had peed on it....... sooooooooooooooooo
in the 15 years or so since this mishap occurred I have been looking to replace this book, which I just did.
it isn't as bad as all that......... They are after all caricature puppets, & when it gets here I hope to post a few pictures from it.....maybe.
If it is ok with the copyright laws and all.
I also realized that I posted pictures of 'she who can do no wrong'
so I simply must follow up with the other two....................
'she who is senile and farts alot' and "HIM, who is the center of the universe & never doubted it"
Amber and Thaddeaus.
we are also getting another one, ( heaven help us and someone send an angel for the idiot that is currently typing this)
we are looking for a name for her.
something Greek or Roman, that goes with Thaddeaus and Calpurrnia.......something arcaic.
something that will be fine either way, if she is ridiculous......or if she is dignified.
you know, shit like that ain't easy.
you know I really really WANT this body text up under that line up there.......... WAY up there you know.
This is apparently a real problem for me, it is keeping me up late at night.
ok so I probably need to get a few different priorities in this old life huh?
I also need to finish this pair of socks. OH, & soak my feet, use a nice salt scrub exfoliant on them, then finish up with a little peppermint lotion huh? Gee I hope I can still REACH my feet..... I mean after all the chowing down I been doing lately.
I want to knit a magenta and lime green pair of socks, with glow in the dark yarn........ why?
was that strong enough?
actually I saw a magenta or hot pink pair with green on a blog somewhere, and I thought to myself........YES they should be MINE........
gimme gimme......
however they were given to someone else....
so I being the resourceful person that I am, am now having to figure where to get the brightest most neon colored wool/nylon sock weight yarn and knit myself a pair.
ok now I best be getting my self back to knitting these socks, cause the best part is coming up........THE HEEL!!!
yeah, I love knitting heels...... gussett increases, gussett decreases..... picking up stitches......I just love it.
well what did you expect from an old broad? Shakespear?
Poor Bernie, he had a very bad day yesterday.
First off it is pretty cold outside.
The rhododendron's leaves are curled tight like pipes. Yup cold.
Bernie ran out of gas.
had to walk 4 miles and buy a gas can AND gas.
I felt so bad for him as his gas gauge is broken and we haven't had the extra to fix it.
Poor guy.
so anyway now I am worried about him too.