Saturday, June 27, 2015

i'm thinking.... the drought's got to be over

rain and rain and rain and more rain
and rain
rain rain rain
those are my days and nights
after a while you're actually afraid of the sun!

today i did color charts, i did most of my watercolors (missing two on the chart)
and i did most of my gouache
i am adding two cads (yellow and red) and eventually cad orange
i think that'll be ok for gouache then
as i seem to be able to mix enough colors out of what i have and adding regular watercolors to the mixes as well

i was hoping to do another flower on black paper in gouache but i don't have one
i would like a blue one
alkanet would be nice
a blue poppy
or even delphinium
i can't do acronite as calpurrnia loves to eat the models and that will kill her, ditto on the nightshade

so i have to take stock of what is finished and what isn't finished in my series and go from there
i am going to ditch one of my frogs so i need to do another frog painting, just when i thought i was finished with them and could move on to newts
i am considering a mallard for the next migratory bird series
and due to rain, i can't go to the bird farm for the upland birds-
i don't have the teacups for the rest of the teacup series.....
i could do another northern myth/folklore/fairytale.....
or i can add to the foxes either other small predators or maybe just more fox?
of course there is always CORN to paint.......
so that is the state of the studio this very rainy night

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