Saturday, June 21, 2014

this and that and life after emma

captain cuttle is still looking for his lost love emma.
 estella is trying to keep him going and i think most of the time she's doing ok, she tried to get him to feed her and when he wouldn't, she fed HIM.
i miss emma
i look for her every morning, and can't get used to her not being there.
today estella asked me to fill the tube feeder (she kicks all the seed out on the floor every time i fill the feeder) so i did
the captain is eating.. so that's good right?

in painting/studio news....i'm working on the beginning of the new series on black paper
i keep thinking that my ideas are cliches and trite
but in the interest of not losing momentum i am going to do it anyway
just to keep painting

now i been asking myself what's getting in my way from finishing up the stuff i need to do with my work,
and maureen (bless her) had an idea......put the photography area into the painting area...... with a small set up that is basically permanent ......she's brilliant and she's right
so that will be another project (unfortunately for bernie not for me as i'm again having a lot of pain)

in duck news, misha, after a few days inside rest is now out in the day pen again
and bernie (bless him) changed bedding for me....
yesterday i bathed phoebe and took amelia and prudence to the worm field...
lilli put herself in a crate so i sort of left her there.....
i am going to talk to bernie about enlarging the day pens into a large run for them...... we'll see about that soon as it would be easier if we could do that

i have an appointment with the rheumatologist in august- however i may also have to get back to the pcp for this knee ..... the one i fell on in april still hasn't healed up so i would imagine i got a bone chip or something like that

i swear i really could use an apprentice or an assistant at the moment
someone with an interest in marketing

ok i have to run
take good care

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