Sunday, March 23, 2014

cinderella....... yup that's me

well first off.....remember this post HERE
so then.............. we got my chair AND surprise! the money to pay for it!
and....two little fairy godmothers decided that i needed colored pencils...
not just ANY colored pencils mind......
but the ones beyond my wildest dreams.....
 here is the opening of the pencils in photos
i'm still stunned
oh and btw, they are every bit as good as the reviews say they are
maybe better
the packaging is amazing......but the pencils are beyond belief
and the best part is...... they are LIGHT FAST
which is a huge thing for me, everything i do will eventually be sold, most likely in a gallery,...... so it's important to me that who ever does end up with the originals can pass them down as the supplies i use are archival and rated for at least 400 years...... i don't think any artist that is professional should use anything that isn't light fast or that doesn't mean you can hang work in the sun...NOOOOOO and you must keep it framed under UV glass and safe from moisture, excessive heat etc.... but with reasonable care...400 years easy!
now i've got a series of frogs planned.... (it's cooking in the back of my brain right now)

which brings me to my other thought, i got my chair......i got my pencils (gees i love them) i know i am getting a book about one of my favorite male illustrators (rackham) i am sort of seeing my list from the above link come to life in front of my very eyes....... like MAGIC! ...... then my brita pitcher finally shattered beyond repair that is going to be replaced tomorrow..... (did i put 'win the lottery' on that list?)
anyway i really do feel like cinderella....... i'm looking around for a pumpkin and a coupla mice......

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