Friday, January 03, 2014

on the 3rd day of new years.....a snowstorm dumped on me........

so i was out shoveling us out while i let bernie sleep
he worked over time and hasn't been sleeping
i didn't do too much, just from the van to the street
the snow blower is in the house in the duck room so i used the shovel
then i forgot to make supper (it's in now but is going to not be ready in time)
eggies to the rescue i think
or maybe enchiladas......or even stuffed peppers?
i did manage to keep the house warm during this cold snap
i am extremely proud of me

however then i forgot to put the supper in....
it's always something huh?

i was raised to take pride in being able to do a lot for myself (for ourselves)
i remember my father telling me how fortunate i was that i rarely needed help

so even now that i'm disabled i do as much as i can and i figure i will keep doing that as long as i can

last winter doing it ALL myself was a bit much but doing things here and there
yeah i can do that
so i did

bernie when i finally woke him (late cause i was outside late then did dishes)
got pissed that i didn't wake him
but really he worked very late
and had a rough night himself
he was out in this mess on road calls

i am however letting him get the wood in for me
(which he just went out to do...if he hadn't gotten out there soon i would have done that too)


so....those who got this storm....... how was your snowstorm????

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