Sunday, November 24, 2013

tell me if you hate it ?

i allowed adsense back on the blog.... tell me if you hate it ok?
if it's too distracting i will remove it again.

ok so this is what is going on here, i continued to print more of the nest paintings...and of course ran into trouble with the colors, but being the turtle person that i am, kept plugging away.
i am going to start to document this printing/licensing journey with you all
i know some of you folks have been with me a long long time
the blog is going to be 10 years old soon!
i will admit that at one point i took a break, having gotten scared at how high my readership got....
i thought i was talking at most to like what? 7-12 people, and then realized it was a lot bigger then that
i am ok with that now.
in fact now i am thinking..... the more the merrier
i've hoped that i have helped some folks along the way here and there...
maybe helped them avoid some of the pitfalls i fell into with things ( such as the water heater element fiasco)
i hope that some of you got enjoyment out of watching my paintings evolve.....
or a smile at the duck stories.....
maybe you got a laugh from some of my family stories?
i hope so
i know for a lot of the time, it's just me and you having coffee together......

i also know now, i am being pushed toward putting my paintings out in the world, part of me is scared shitless..... thinking ...'well they are just another painting, there are plenty others just as good if not better then i am'
and part of me is saying..... 'listen, i don't know WHY but i feel driven to do this, so want to come along on the journey with me?'
so that is where i'm at right now
and i am so very far out of my comfort zone that i feel like i almost woke up in someone else's life....
or on mars or something....
yet at the same time.... some of the work i am doing is really fascinating me!
and i am determined to LEARN marketing.... to get my work licensed.....i really really REALLY want to see my crows on garden flags.....
and see some other as yet unpainted work on dinnerware
books, calenders....... journals..... plus cards and prints too

oh and we got a light dusting of snow too.... (when you read this, the snow will have been last night-- i am writing this now and it'll post in the morning)

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