Monday, September 09, 2013

thyroid meds are a good thing

and i got a renew for the next year!
the doc said 'just in case you don't get the insurance'
that is a huge weight off my mind!
but believe me when i tell you, it cost a LOT of money.....

meanwhile winter preparations continue.... leaves are coming down like crazy, which means the first frost isn't too far off
we need a few more cords of wood, 3 bags of potatoes, the 120# of chicken we get in for winter,
i think also, a bag of sand for the duck room doorway, for the ice during the bad part of the winter

now last winter little vicky taught me a trick which we will be using this winter....
MYLAR blankets to cover doors with....i have saved the blankets of course, and we will be covering the doors with them,  i am using the little 3-M clips to hold the blanket up....
i could use the little stationary store clampy thingies and one of the wire curtain rods from ikea (if i could get to an ikea)-- that would allow it to slide but the clip thingies will work too
last year i just taped it up at the top.... i was sort of in a hurry

now the other thing i wanted to do was window quilts, bev down in missouri made them for all her windows and they work great... i was a bit concerned that it would make it hugely dark in here and/or give us a problem with the combustion of the woodstove- maybe we should consider an outside air intake for the woodstove?

i want to bomb and spray the house one more time before we button up for the make sure that we ditch fleas
which btw, we are going to get the advantage for them this week
we dont' know what else to do...... we've done everything the vet said to do
we've called a few exterminators, two of them wanted us to have yearly contracts with them
one who specifically advertised that he treated fleas.....doesn't! ( i had a long conversation with him about it)
i've gotten a ton of different opinions on the fleas too- it makes my head spin......
meanwhile the cats are running around the house again and boy i did miss them.... they missed the house and sitting on us during the day
they line up to be petted by bernie in the morning
calpurrnia is still not using the litter box however..... the others are

in, i'm not
i am working on trying to get the paintings photographed however, which is not as simple as it would seem
also to this end i bought some CFL which are NOT cheap..... but have a daylight rating on the KELVIN scale of 5500K which is BRIGHT daylight.. they are used for SAD and also for photography
i suspect that i may be using them for SAD and not for photography although i did get them for take pictures
slowly i am getting the things i need to take these photos with- my goal is to have a standard set up (on the cheap) and take photos monthly then batch copyright them quarterly
i have meanwhile continued to search out agents, manufacturers and publishers who may be interested- recording their submission guidelines etc...

i am so hoping that life is more routine by october
(i also hope we've gotten bernie his new car by october......)

i will say one thing...... having gotten invaded by fleas is a nightmare but we ARE getting spring cleaning done because of it!

so life goes on......
i hope these cooler days find you all well


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