bernie adjusted the seat and now i can't use the brakes without breaking my hip!
right now he's doing wood
and we are running up to get a new dishwasher in a bit
then i can do dishes (the new one won't be installed for a while) and then maybe draw?
in duck news.... both little girls are laying, and both little girls loves them some momma.....
you know....i really do love these ducks so much, they are so much better then dogs
well i do love them when they are sweet
did i tell yous that due to getting points back, i threw the van on the CC?
yup i did
and paid it off already
i love stuff like that
and the reward points...... well i could get a new camera or a temporary car port for the new van
bernie is bringing extra wood in and i have the stove stoked
i cast on a new shawlette i nicknamed the 'goldfish''s the bright yellows/golds/oranges of goldfish
so i am putting aquarium plant bright spring green beads on it... and also further up, aquarium blue's fun!
it may be my last shawlette for the winter....we'll see
i still need to do mittens and hats and a few sweaters
in studio work, now that i have the new van.....i plan on getting some of the things i've been painting printed.
i have to source large envelopes of about 4'' wide by like 16'' long... with a cello window would be good too
but really the best would be right now to get back to work
i hate interruptions
next week is our anniversary...we've been married since 1977
bernie said the sweetest thing to me this morning
he told me that he loved me so much more now then when we married......he said that he loved me then but NOTHING like the way he loves me now.
i guess i grew on him like a fungus....hahahahahahaha
actually i do know what he means
he's my family
i do remember blood family of course..... but it seems so far away to me now.
and really the only constant for way more then half my life has been him
we have ups and downs.... but we've managed somehow to stick it out
and we've grown as people
i couldn't ever imagine life without him...... i don't know where i leave off and he begins!
and sooooooo many people never ever thought we'd make it.....ha
(and it was while getting his anniversary card that i got a new client lead!)
oh and one more thing..... getting the new van while totally traumatic for me (i soooooooo hate change) actually worked out better, smoother, and all around easier then i ever expected!!!!
it's just that i really hate change....
and my old van had seen me through thea's illness..... dad's, kisses........... it had hauled sheep, ducks, chickens and pigs......along with hay, plywood.... etc
it took us to rhinebeck, out to the farms....... and to KY and VA to see family and get thaddeaus....
there are a LOT of memories tied up in that van
but i guess the new van will make us new memories... and rhinebeck won't be a problem at all this year
possibly even MDSW .......we'll see
ok folks til next time....... and there are pictures of some of the girls for you folks to see
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