i got thrown for a loop with a sciatica attack on my right hip/leg
oh man
at one point it was so bad i was afraid i was going to live.....
this started monday late morning........i am just NOW getting some relief
we've been dealing with it.....not very well but what can you do
someone remind me that next time (and there will be a next time......there always is)
i need to get on the ice FAST
so now.........all you folks in harms way with the hurricane, i hope it blows out to sea
and i also hope that if it doesn't.....that you are all prepped and stay safe
i won't stay long, as i have to ice again....
but that's where i am right now
i was totally out of it yesterday due to pain
and believe me if i had access to a pain killer yesterday i would have taken it
it's better today
Vi, even the good pain killers don't touch sciatica, it seems. Sigh.