Friday, December 10, 2010

bitter cold and it's not even christmas yet

what is going to happen at the end of january -beginning of february?

well today bernie is speaking to upper management (at upper management's request)
about my health insurance.
they are going to work a way for us to afford it
so i should still have health insurance
bernie had canceled it, but was called back and told not to that today he would be filled in on what is going to happen.
for me this is a miracle as we can't afford that much for insurance, and i was pretty scared as my health isn't the best.

right now i am watching the cats all lazying around the woodstove on the floor.
i need to clean the ash out later today
monday is the next periodontal visit, and i looked last night, ......sure enough it would seem like it works a little. we'll see monday what the dentist says.

i am a bit better today. yesterday was horrible, high fever, chills, i couldn't see, headache, stuffy nose, STUFFY HEAD, you know how it goes
i had to put the ducks out and so i was out side in this sort of helped me!
i am not feeling great but i think i can function a bit today
although since it's this cold, i have to get up at about 1am to stoke the stove
and then i get up again at 5
so i am pretty tired.
ok make that really tired
bernie wants oil in the tank so i can sleep through the night but the studio never does get warm with the furnace. and i hate to hear the furnace kick on so i think i would still get up and come down to do the stove

today all i plan on doing is trying to rest
i do have to get to the post office, but that may wait until tomorrow

i would like to bake us a few cookies just for us for the holidays if i can..... we'll see
it may only be snickerdoodles or something easy like that

ok i have to go now
i am still very tired

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