Wednesday, October 21, 2009

again the dogs

well i went out to bring the ducks in again
that little 21 year old twit was out there with the dogs
he spent his time rounding them up
they barked so much
i didn't realize they were out there until i was going to open phoebe's pen door and the dog went off
i jumped and ripped a nail off my finger
he didn't bring them down around the back where he knows they wouldn't bother us
kept them on the side
and again and again kept calling them back

i stayed out after the ducks were inside
i had to cut some perches for the babies so i stayed out
he eventually went inside
i am going to take the camera with me at night now, and tape this bullshit

i am afraid to leave the ducks, the vet said the dogs barking at them will stress them out, momma doesn't like the tarp on the front of the pen
but the worst is when i have to move them in and out
or trying to walk them.......
i love walking these ducks.......and due to this twit, i am afraid to expose the ducks to possible attacks

i can't believe that this homeowner would allow someone like this to cause this much trouble
i have lived here almost 23 years..... and the jackass cutting my trees caused me a problem....
but i have ignored everything else.......
i am however thrilled to peices that this homeowner is no longer talking to me
cause believe me that makes my life MUCH nicer
now if they would only control this .......person that they have living there

and with those little dogs..... he doesn't realize that the hawk CAN and could very well eat them..
they are about 4 pounds or so..... and the hawks are migrating and are hungry
letting them run like that, even with him out not the safest or brightest thing in the world

i stand with the ducks and when they look UP, i put them under cover

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