Tuesday, October 21, 2008

There is a lot going on in the world………

So very much turmoil and uncertainty
I am reasonably sure that once November 8th comes and goes a lot of the upheaval will settle down.
I am also reasonably sure that the next white house will be democratic
I am basing this on a global need for our stock market to settle down…..which historically it does very well under a democratic white house

‘May you live in interesting times”
I don’t remember who said this……wait let me google……AHHHHH it is an ancient Chinese proverb and curse! ( thank goodness for google)

I would say that right now…….THESE are ‘interesting times’
A historic election, showing the inner workings of the collective mind of America.
either way it goes a first will happen

a woman in high power or a 'black' man
( remember this man is biracial, which seems fitting to me......to ease america into the idea of a race other then white in office)

in my personal opinion........
i am not sure which if any candidate is suited for office during these times
but one WILL be elected
and one will serve

i do expect that one will be democrat.........if nothing more then to calm the waters

i am also expecting that this democrat........most likely will surprise a LOT of folks
and MAY actually be effective!
at least i so hope

now along with this
the energy crisis..... brought sharply into view due to heating costs
higher food prices

this hits home to the average american in a way perhaps a problem in a global sense may not
as we have traditionally had relatively reasonable costs for our food
if not our heating

i don't know the answers
i do know for us.....
we put by more food
we heat with wood ( yes there are increased costs there as well but not as bad as oil, which is what we heated with formerly)

however i worry about later......when i am older
as this mostly falls on my shoulders
bernie helps stack the loads of wood
but i mostly have to worry about day to day bringing in and keeping the stove stoked

i also am extremely worried right now about our sheep and goat
due to local zoning
we can't have them here
but also due to the economy and other issues i won't go into
i have a need to move them from where they are
i want them home

or alternatively, and perhaps better long term
i want to move and bring them with me to a larger property
with more room for growing food

this has been keeping me up nights lately

i can't find a solution easily to my livestock dilemma
which in the scheme of things is not earth shattering
i guess i shouldn't hold my breath waiting for "them' to find a solution to the global problems facing ALL of us living on the earth

i can't help but wonder if what we aren't feeling.....is the growing pains of a new possibly united global era and society?

an actual chance at utopia?


never happen


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