Well march is doing it's thing
hot weather.......bitter cold weather
snow, sleet, ice....... freezing rain
it better be nice by my birthday as bernie is taking the day off
carole and kris are taking me out prior......
life is good
we cleaned the chicken's pens last weekend
now when we clean chickens we always use a particle dust mask.
I had picked up two new ones for us prior to this
the new ones were dust/mist/vapor
I ended up having a horrific allergic reaction............
bernie's ok
me......I went beyond trout lips to DUCK LIPS now
when it hits platypus beak......
i will go to the doctor
I taught yesterday and I am very thankful I don't have another class until the 23
as I think it is going to take that long to get normal looking again
arabella has some new little friends
two baby lambs born to hurricane the texel/bfl crossed ewe that is one of carole's flock
little violet is loosing her kid fat and getting all sleek and elegant like a nubian goat will
she is going to be bred this fall to mohava the new stud buck at lilac corners
my baby girl...
I will go through hell worrying about her delivering and her kid
carole will laugh at me as usual...
and comment on the size as well as the attachment of violet's udder
I will fuss and worry over her and feed her cinnamon raisin bread
bonnie and edmund are doing well as are the chickens
and the cats
and the roosters...........( they are married now......did I tell you all? my boys have WIVES.........multiple wives! well you know.......they are CHICKENS)
so it is apparently spring huh?
I am starting broccoili and onion seeds today
and maybe some peppers
I know that some time this month or next month we have to get out to the farm for manure
I would LOVE to be able to rent a dump truck to fill
and clean both carole's barns and monica's barns....... hitting kris' sheep shed on the way home
I want to make sure that the tomatoes are on 'hot bed's of raw manure
to keep them as warm as possible as early as possible
plus I need it for the worms..( you all should see the SIZE of my worms)
our annual skein contest starts this month
I am doing two grand prizes......
both tool kits for knitter/fiber people
they will have a ruler, folding scissor, stitch markers, emery, and probably a hand balm.
with room for the people to put their own crochet hook, waste yarn, pad and etc in there
the experienced one is going to be in teal blue and purple
the novice one in pinks and blues
I have to get up to odd lots and see if I can find a small tape measure and maybe needle gauge for each one
that will be next week i imagine
I added arabella's picture to the side links
oh and............
does anyone know how to fix my template issue of smaller to miniscule sized archives?
I would appreciate it
till next time