Thursday, August 24, 2006

my best friend thea

has been gone over 10 years.
we lost her to inflamatory breast cancer

she came to see me last night.

I know she is ok and all.......but still I worry.

she said 'being dead is not bad at all, actually it's pretty cool, you float freedom'

she told me ' I don't want you to be afraid of death'

I told her I was not afraid of being dead.......but of dieing.

she looked pretty good for a dead woman..........

I miss her so very much,
not a day goes by, ( as she will tell you if you run across her in heaven)
that I do not talk to her......
Or my mom and dad....
or evelyn........or gramma rad............

I was so happy to see thea, to me that was a great great gift.


  1. my grandmother visits me in my dreams on occasion. i miss her.

    and the corn experiment failed. it retained it's flavor, but it was mushy. sigh, back to blanching. mark & i did 6 dozen ears this afternoon. we may try again after the wedding.

  2. I never miss my sister or my DA...they are with me always. There are so many incidences that bring back such fond memories that I can't help but be so grateful about the life I have lived and the family I was gifted with.


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