oh man
i have to unsnarl a mess with our checking account, and a savings account transfer that didn't.
get our new medical insurance number, and reschedule my labs, doctor and ultrasound appointments
i did get my mini hoop houses up in the garden
it was 50 degrees out when i got them up......right now i think it's like 12 out...so not a moment too soon huh?
i am sorting and storing my yarn stash
in which i have discovered my love for tweed, all things hot colors.... heathers......(in purples and reds)
lace and finger weights
sock yarns that due to one sock eating CAT i won't make into socks......
and i still have stash to bring down to the new bins
which i could probably get another 6 of and still not have enough room.....
i don't think there is anymore yarn on it's way to me but i am not totally sure about that either...
this is all part of my 'reorganize' the studio plan
apparently the new year has brought a drifting of some friendships for me
and possibly some new friends..... and i keep remembering
'a reason, a season or a lifetime'
it seems a few folks reasons and/or seasons are over in my life
the new year also brings along the seed catalogs.......and i am on a quest for leek seeds this year..
i would like a long season winter keeper, and a fall maturing one i think
i also am considering a bigger hoop/green house and even more winter hardy greens
and fruit trees, maybe some nut trees.....
i wish i could move our shagbark hickory in further on the property....it's out near the road and the township butchers it unmercifully
if i see a seedling in the garden it's getting moved up to the front yard i think....
so anyone in zone 6 want to tell me maybe what is good growing for your area in fruit and nuts?
i am so hoping the elderberry took..... and i am looking to add a paw paw, pear, peach, another apple, cherry and some nuts as well.
well folks.... i need to make the coffee now.....i didn't forget you, but we've been busy and tired
(midnight road call sunday night, got to the place where we were told the unit was......no unit...they'd left!- no sleep for either of us)
so until next time